Bringing the heritage of Plymouth fishing to the forefront

Fishing for a Longer Life

Education and Nutrition for those in most need.


A facility to land for educational fishing trips, before preparing the fresh catch to highlight the importance of sustainable fishing, and the health benefits of oily fish in diets.

In Plymouth there is a large disparity in lifespan between areas of the city, with social class playing and diet playing a role. A healthy and balanced diet can lead to a longer life. Nationally, children’s diets are lacking fish. With Plymouth being built around a port of trade with a fishing industry that has continued success, the children of Plymouth should not be suffering from a lack of this accessible resource which is having a negative impact on their health. Taking them on fishing trips will also improve their engagement with the water, as currently many in Plymouth have never been to the sea.


Project Aims
Improving diets, educating deprived children, supporting homeless people


Fab City, Plymouth Sound National Marine Park

June 2020

Technical Design (RIBA Stage 5)

Programmatic Journey

1. Journey from school to Plymouth Fisheries
The students will travel in a group of approximately 12 students
with their teacher to Plymouth Fisheries.

2. Tour of Plymouth Fisheries
To understand how commercial fishing practices currently operate, the students will tour this facility.

3. Journey to sea to line catch fish
Fishing sustainably for Mackerel, Red Gunard and/or Walleye Pollock, using hand fishing lines not to damage marine habitats.

4. Learning to cook their fresh catch
Teaching the students how to cook the fish and the health
benefits of eating two portions of fish per week, to encourage
them to increase their intake to increase their longevity.

5. Eating and celebrating their learning
During the warmer months, the children will have an immersive experience, eating on tables lowered from the boat house rafters onto the boats. In cooler months, they will be kept comfortable inside the kitchen dining area.




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